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September 27, 2008 12:01 AM UTC

Christian author Don Miller visits Colorado Springs

  • by: Jenn at Obama for America in Colorado

From the Colorado for Obama blog:

Christian Author Don Miller says he never expected to get involved in a political campaign. Yet a month ago, he stood in front of thousands of people, with millions more across the country watching him on television, and gave the closing prayer for the first night of the Democratic National Convention.

Last Tuesday, the New York Times best-selling author of Blue like Jazz and Searching for God Knows What returned to Colorado for a Conversation about Faith and Politics, speaking to a hundred people in Colorado Springs about why he was working to help elect Barack.

He said:

I feel like one of the reasons that I’m here is 20 years from now, when my kids say "What did you do during that election? What did you do when the first African-American man was nominated for president? What did you do when that Christian man stood up in the Democratic Party, dad?" I want to say "I got on board. I went around the country. I made calls." And when they asked "But dad didn’t people yell at you?" I would say "Yeah, they did. But I stood strong, because you defend your brother in Christ when he’s being attacked and when he’s being lied about. You stand up for him." And that’s what I want to do for Barack Obama.

We need this president right now. The world needs this president right now. The world is looking for us to choose this leader, to say that we’re moving forward, we’re sorry for many of the things we have done in the past, here is our gift to you. I think the world needs this leader at this time.

Don told the crowd about how he identifies with Barack and how, while religious voters are often thought of as more conservative, Barack’s policies are more representative of the Christian faith.

Here’s a video from the event:


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